How much money is stolen in crypto exchange hacks?
Could you elaborate on the magnitude of financial losses incurred from cryptocurrency exchange hacks? Are these losses escalating at an alarming rate, or are they staying relatively stable? Are there specific regions or types of exchanges that seem to be more vulnerable to these attacks? Also, how does the total stolen amount compare to losses from traditional financial institutions? Understanding the scope and severity of this issue is crucial for both investors and regulators alike.

Did a couple launder money stolen from a virtual currency exchange?
In recent weeks, investigators have uncovered suspicious financial transactions involving a pair of individuals. The transactions appear to have originated from a prominent virtual currency exchange, with significant sums of digital currency moving through a series of complex financial maneuvers. The question at hand is: Did these two individuals launder money stolen from this virtual currency exchange? The trail of transactions suggests possible illicit activity, yet there are still gaps in the evidence. Authorities are eager to determine if these individuals have indeed committed a crime and if so, how they were able to disguise the illicit gains. Answers to these questions could shed light on a growing concern within the cryptocurrency community - the vulnerability of virtual currency exchanges to fraud and laundering.